每個人都會有情緒、憤怒的時候,為人父母也不例外;有時或會對孩子破口大罵,難以把憤怒忍住。但在孩子面前,一定要做好情緒管理。如果父母長期在子女面前發脾氣,不僅會影響親子關係,而子女情緒亦容易失控。哈佛大學的精神病學副教授馬丁泰徹(Martin A. Teicher)博士發表的一項研究指出,言語暴力會對小朋友大腦造成損傷,影響到大腦中的海馬迴和前額葉,嚴重更會導致語言理解能力變差;因此,爸媽們要好好學習情緒管理,以免影響親子關係。
“All products presented on this website are food or dietary supplements. The content on this website is only intended to inform about the nutritional and physiological processes of the food supplements. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your health professional.”